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Dealing with grief caused by the loss of a loved one in itself can be overwhelming, but with the added challenges brought on by a global pandemic, it can be difficult to know how to support yourself through this trying time in your life.
Join our online Bereavement Group Sessions for families who have experienced death either as a result of Covid or during the pandemic, for a safe space to identify with one another whilst gaining valuable tools to help you recover from your loss in order to look forward.
The Group will be run by Clinical Psychologists Cassandra Govender and Emily Knott, on a bimonthly basis.
For more information please email us on
With over a decade of experience, we offer the following in-person and online mental health services:
If you are already a part of The Couch Family, or if you are just getting started on your mental health journey, our team is here for you.
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) treatment is a cognitive-behavioral approach that emphasizes the psychosocial aspects of treatment. The theory behind the approach is that some people are prone to react in a more intense and out-of-the-ordinary manner toward certain emotional situations, primarily those found in romantic, family and friend relationships. DBT theory suggests that some people’s arousal levels in such situations can increase far more quickly than the average person’s, attain a higher level of emotional stimulation, and take a significant amount of time to return to baseline arousal levels.
People who are sometimes diagnosed with borderline personality disorder experience extreme swings in their emotions, see the world in black-and-white shades, and seem to always be jumping from one crisis to another. Because few people understand such reactions — most of all their own family and a childhood that emphasized invalidation — they don’t have any methods for coping with these sudden, intense surges of emotion. At The Couch, we use DBT as a method for teaching skills that will help in this task. We offer DBT in both psychotherapeutic form and through our Workshops and Out-Patient Support Programs.